Buy or sell real properties

Please follow the terms and conditions before you use our website or publish your advertisement:

  • This is an online classified website for real estate or real properties. We will try our best level to keep all accurate information advertisements on our website. But, we can't give you guaranty for genuineness on advertisements. So we are not responsible for false commitment or we are not responsible under any circumstances. User's discreet is advised when dealing with an advertisement or seller.

  • To show accurate information on our website we set every advertisement for approval. So be patience and support us to filter all fake advertisements.

  • If you don't know how to use this website then we highly recommend you to watch FAQ page

  • If you face any technical problem on our website then you can contact us on Contact page

  • Never publish advertisement without proper information and images. Upload real photos of your real property.

  • If anyone publish an advertisement without proper information and images then his/her user ID and IP will be banned.

  • when you enter proper address in address field a map under address field will automatically shows the location. In that map set your real property's location or it's nearest land mark accurately.

  • You can also subscribe to specific category by creating user account on our website.

  • You can track all your advertisements and statistics in your user panel.

Note: Terms of service will update frequently. So always check our TOS before using our website.


