Buy or sell real properties

Frequently Asked Questions

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How to publish an advertisement?
In any webpage click on "Publish New" button and fill required data in fields. Write description in WYSIWYG editor. At last enter captcha and hit "Publish new" button to publish your advertisement. After successful submission wait 1-4 hours to appear your ad on live page.

How to search or filter ads?
You can search or filter ads in multiple ways. You can watch all ads by clicking on "Listing" button. You can also watch ads in specific categories. You can filter/search ads in "Advance search" area or “Search” area by Mandal, District, State and price range etc.

How to manage ads?
If you want to publish multiple ads then we highly recommend you to create your user account on our website. All your ads publicly visible from your profile. You can share your profile page to any social network website. You can also share any ad on Facebook, Twitter  or on any other social network websites.

How can I use social share service?
You can share your profile page or any advertisement page to any social network websites.  On bottom of any webpage you can find social network share buttons. You can share any webpage using those Social share buttons.

How to use subscribe service?
You can subscribe to get ad notification on specific category, price range etc. you will get all these notifications to your email. If you login then you can subscribe to specific category without entering your email on subscribe service panel. If you not login then you have to specify your email to get ad notifications. When you set your price range in “Subscribe service” then separate minimum and maximum price with comma “ , “ sign.


